Take Off Her Shoes and Socks and Tickle Her Feet
A Historical Perspective
Foot trouble struck American and European urbanized populations since the second half of the nineteenth century. It changed the patterns of all our lives more radically than most of us realize. Suddenly we became a crippled race. How did it happen? There is no record of foot troubles in Biblical times comparable to modern foot ills. In the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian civilizations it was practically unknown. People then wore the thong-type sandal, open at the toes, or often went barefoot. Where people continue to wear sandals today, as in the Far East and Central America, foot trouble is almost an unheard-of phenomenon. And even though Northern Europeans and North Americans, living in colder climates and needing to have their feet totally covered, have always worn closed shoes, foot trouble was uncommon among them also until the advent of the Industrial Revolution. The seeds of foot trouble were first sown, however, in the Renaissance when the elevation of the heel-the first characteristic of modern deforming footwear came into use. Catherine de Medici, a queen of short stature, wanted to appear taller, and had chopines put on her shoes. The chopine itself was not deforming because, unlike our modern heel, it elevated the entire foot. The elevated heel that followed, however, left the fore part of the foot on the ground and raised the heel, forcing the foot into a completely unnatural position. A few centuries later heels became commonplace in court society and were worn by men and women alike, even though perpetual wearing of high heels caused shortened calf muscles. However, with the introduction of gunpowder and infantry warfare, men found it necessary to discard their high heels, while women continued to wear them. About the same time that the heel came into usage, pointed-toed shoes became stylish. The introduction of the elevated heel and the pointed toe marked the beginning of modern foot disabilities, although only the nobility could afford such shoes. In those days, with sufficient servants to attend to one's needs and with carriages for transportation, a deforming shoe offered no great handicap. Before the French Revolution, nobility considered the broad, muscular, but competent, bare foot of the peasant working in the fields as common and ugly; especially since they themselves had no need for strong feet and legs. It was their aesthetic ideal to have tiny feet and delicate lower limbs. A way to achieve this was to cultivate smaller feet in early childhood. Accordingly, children of the wealthier classes, from their earliest years, were forced to wear shoes designed to keep their feet small. Cinderella had to be born among the wealthy!
The "leisure class" was fated to disappear. The Revolution took place in France. In England the common man obtained more privileges, while in the United States democracy became a reality. Yet the average woman wanted to imitate the waning nobility. There could be no greater embodiment of her dreams of "being a lady" than to wear the tiny shoes of a woman of wealth. The growth of new industries and commerce created the wealthy middle classes both in American and European cities. This class could afford hand-made shoes. Soon, their children's feet were being molded to resemble the tiny, delicate feet of aristocrats. For the bulk of the population however, feet remained large and healthy. For example, a typical boy of a working class or farm family in the United States during the Civil War days was accustomed to go barefoot from spring to fall. Before starting school, he was sent to a cobbler who would make his shoes by hand, according to the measurements of each foot-leaving extra room for growth (since shoes were such a luxury). Boots were so expensive that when it snowed a child would often run to school barefoot, with his precious shoes tied around his neck. When he got to school, he would dry his feet and put his boots on again, none the worse for his experience. This was the last period when children in the United States could reach maturity with the prospect of sound, healthy feet. Soon after fashionable shoes became inexpensively made and stylish shoes had become available to all. Having a tiny foot and wearing the shoes of an aristocrat was still a strong passion for most Americans. Trying to explain to working girls that these new shoes were meant for leisure and not for standing behind counters and in front of kitchen sinks was like talking to someone in a delirium. Overnight American women were trying to push their feet into Cinderella's tiny slippers. Not only the women, but the men, too, had to have the aristocratic pointed shoes. Wherever the newly manufactured shoes were worn, crippled feet followed and the owner of such feet was often a woman. Shoes were at their crippling worst in the United States at the turn of the twentieth century when the needle-pointed toe shapes were popular. If a lesson about foot trouble can be learned from history, it is that we are at the mercy of the latest shoe styles. Style conscious women have demanded these shoes for themselves and, more important, are now demanding this style for their children as well. As a result, the bunions and compressed toes of our grandparents are again being formed in children's feet.
Don't my Feet Look Great in These Shoes? You who are parents have probably noticed your child constantly spreading, bending, stretching his fingers and toes from the first weeks of life. You would not think of keeping your baby from moving his hands and wiggling his fingers. You would not swaddle his hands and fingers. Why, then, swaddle his feet and toes? Ever notice how happy a toddler is when they kick off their shoes? Babies love to be barefoot. How often do we all look forward to kicking off our shoes as soon as we get home from a long days work? Toes which are not given opportunity for exercise in the very early years are likely never to develop properly. Unfortunately, most parents damage their infants' toes and feet in the first weeks of life by depriving the child of the chance to move his feet freely. Feet need air and natural shaped surroundings to maintain healthy skin. Sliding (or stuffing) your feet into a pair of shoes is the worst demise for them, and we do it day after day. Designers decide and promote shoe styles to make feet have a certain look. But, very few of these fashion-geared, toe-crunching, eye-appealing ladies shoes are anywhere near the shape of a foot. Take a look at your feet. By any stretch of the imagination, do you see the shape of a pin-pointed triangle or square-shaped line of toes? Most ladies shoes are moisture trapping devices, and feet are locked into a swamp-like atmosphere. Often, feet are forced to endure constant pounding from the body's weight within the walls of shoes that have very little resemblance to the shape of the foot.
But, hey, they look good, right? Women love shoes! The more the better! There are ladies shoes with pointed toes, rounded toes, open-toes, high-heels, low-heels, no-heels, ballerina, clogs, sandals, thongs, strappy, colorful, rhinestone-studded, even clear plastic shoes. Shoes made from materials, such as, plastic, rubber, synthetics, jelly, canvas, jute, leather. The list goes on and on, and the stacks of shoes found in many closets, attests to women's love for shoes.
Women's Shoes versus Barefoot Bliss
Women twirl their shoes on the big toes of their feet, shift their weight from one foot to another while enduring high-heel beauties, and happily click-clack or flip-flop through stores, offices, airports, and parking lots. There seems to be an unwritten requirement that a shoe must announce one's arrival or departure. But, the first thing many women do when they get home is kick off those fashion statement must-haves. Ahh, yes, the relief of being barefooted! Feet change shape, drastically, from years of being forced into contraptions that are supposed to protect the feet. The skin of young feet is smooth and soft, but older foot skin can be hard, rough and cracked. Corns, bunions, and twisted toes are evidence of ill-fitting shoes and foot abuse. Women buy into the hype of the hottest ladies shoe fashions and trends, irregardless of the unnatural, almost impossible, shoe shapes. Which brings to mind the story of Cinderella and that glass slipper. Remember how those evil step-sisters wriggled, pushed, and twisted their feet, trying to get that shoe on? Comical, but in reality this is exactly what women do everyday! Makes me wonder if women would buy into square-shaped bras if designers decided that was the newest hot and sexy look? For crying out loud! Just why do women continue to stick their feet in shoes that pinch, rub, and gouge their skin? They rush to stores offering shoe sales, and fill their arms with the newest, must-have styles. Women agonize and endure squeezing, clamping and binding because they admire how the shoe makes their feet look (at least in their eyes).
A foot shape can be altered by consistently wearing ill-fitting shoes that sport exaggerated, sharply-pointed toes. Many shoes squeeze and press on the toenails because the toe box is not high enough to allow any toe movement or air circulation. The toes are squeezed together, and sometimes one on top of the other. And, women continue wearing these ill-fitted, unnatural shaped shoes just for the joy of it all! Shoes can cause women's backs to be twisted, thrown out of line by shifting the natural curvature of the spine. The cushioning in the balls of the feet become flat from bearing the body's full weight. Heels, toes and soles of the feet tell about the abuse, and often, women have problems walking as time goes by. Are you ready to ride around the mall or grocery store seated in a motorized shopping cart? Many women who have post-foot damage, cannot, or would not, consider cramming their feet into a pair of those five-inch Stilettos, needle-pointed ladies shoes, or high heels. Many learned, too late, about the damage they've done to the transportation body parts. But, once the feet are damaged, most likely, it is irreversible. And, there goes the night on the town, dancing till dawn, or that countryside stroll.
Remember how great your feet felt when you walked barefooted on a sandy beach? Besides the luxurious warm and cool feelings, sand gives feet a complete manicure and grinds away dried skin. The sand caresses and massages the feet and toes, increases balance and strength, and promotes a pain free way of walking. The whole natural experience results in feet that have baby-smooth skin. Give a bit of thought and loving care to those two things at the end of your body; those two feet and ten little piggies support and carry you everywhere you want to go. Take the time to soak, scruff, massage, and caress them with revitalizing lotion. Ladies, you won't be going anywhere without those two little marvels! Without two healthy feet, no matter how great they look wedged into those shiny, embellished, colorful beauties we love and know as shoes you will be viewing the world from a chair. Oh, you will still want to walk, dance and take part in life's offerings, but damaged feet will keep you on the sidelines.
Making Sense of Barefoot
I see many people even in the functional fitness community that are not sold on the barefoot concept. It�s a testament to the marketing power of the big shoe companies. You need your padding right? The argument has been made time after time about the biomechanics of the foot and how �proper� running will eliminate the jarring shock of heel strike running. So I�ll not go there. The other day when the temperature dropped, I had a revelation. I�ll bet that at some point of your life you�ve worn a pair of gloves. I�ll also be that you noticed that they limit your dexterity, feedback and generally make doing things awkward. Try walking barefoot in the grass and then slip on a pair of bulky athletic shoes. There is a big difference right? Ask yourself what would happen if you wore gloves that bulky. I think we can all agree that you would severely handicap your hands abilities. Now if you wouldn�t wear big bulky gloves on your hands then why would you wear them on your feet? Think of how much you are limiting yourself.
The stigma surrounding going barefoot in society is much like an unwritten rule. There are no laws surrounding the need for shoes. Some people worry about unshod feet being unhygienic. If you are like the majority of people in the world, you touch more filth and grime with your bare hands. Do you eat with your feet or with your grubby fingers? I challenge you to think about it openly for a moment. Believe it or not, there are more benefits of going barefoot than one would think. Over time, shoes have actually impeded our natural ambulation. A healthy gait will have the foot fall closer to the ball of the foot than the heel while walking. With shoes, and all of their padded glory, most people walk with a forward heel strike. You know that hip, back or knee pain you have when walking or running? That�s exactly what the ache stems from. So, what are some of the pros and cons of going barefoot? Each of "The Cons" can be alleviated by simply wearing minimalist shoes, like Vibram FiveFingers
1. Increase blood flow to leg muscles
2. Lowers anxiety and reduces stress levels
3. Stronger and more flexible feet and ankles through proper utilization of muscles and ligaments
4. Increased sensation in foot that prevents missteps and improper positioning
5. Decreased probability of foot fungus due to unventilated shoes
6. Reduced injuries (sprains, strains, plantar fasciitis, bunions) The Cons:
1. Takes time to strengthen the foot and ankle after years of wearing traditional shoes
2. Cuts and abrasions due to sharp objects (glass, rocks, nails, thorns)
3. No thermal insulation
4. Social stigma
If you agree, at least to some extent, with what mentioned above you may want to try your "barefoot experience" now. Among different possibilities I guess the best choices are grouped in four kinds, spanning from the cheapest to the most expensive ones. Here they are:
Walking barefoot outside or using conductive systems that transfer the Earth's electrons from the ground into your body, known as Earthing or grounding, is emerging as an essential element to good health. Going barefoot allows you to �ground� with the Earth and absorb free electrons directly through the soles of your feet; this type of grounding has one of the most potent antioxidant effects we know of and may also reduce inflammation throughout your body.
Research shows grounding may play a profoundly beneficial role in sleep disturbances, stress relief, pain relief, heart rhythm, immune response and much more. If you can�t walk outside barefoot due to weather or during air travel, a grounding pad can be used to harness the benefits of the Earth�s electrons even if you�re indoors.
Feet are part of the beautiful temple your body is. Celebrate them! Dress them lovingly for yoga, zumba, poi poi, belly dance, kirtan or hoop class any many more! Either it's a beach time... or walking barefoot everywhere, you'll do it with unique style :)
This listing is for A PAIR of light purple barefoot sandals embellished with fanned brass sliders and key lime and deep purple ceramic beads with a touch of orange glass seed beads. The ankle lace is long enough to wrap it twice around the ankles. Each end of the string is closed by a brass spacer, orange and turquoise glass beads. Brass PAISLEY pendants with turquoise glass inserts as a centerpiece. A lightly waxed light purple cotton cord was used to make a loop for the second toe. It's hand crocheted for endurance. Crisscross and adjust the lace to what is perfect for your foot.
This kind of sandals fit shoe size about 6 up to 9 - with the longer lace it also suits a shoe size 10 and 11. Tested in yoga and dance classes! It's up to you testing it in your office!
Listen to your feet! Switching to Vibram FiveFingers � from traditional shoes is a transition that may take time. For some, it is a matter of weeks, for others months, and for a few it could be a year or more. Much is dependent on your foot type, the activities you�re using Vibram FiveFingers� for, and the amount of pronation you experience. The progression will ultimately be worth the wait, and your foot and body will be stronger and better off for it. The answer lies in your inherent foot and body biomechanics and the condition of your muscles. Just remember, improving the skill of those muscles then practicing and using those muscles in Vibram FiveFingers � will increase both endurance and strength. This will have profound beneficial effects on your body and wellbeing. Listen to your body.
Wearing Vibram FiveFingers � for running, fitness training, water sports or just for fun will make your feet stronger and healthier�naturally. And while we do love our Vibram FiveFingers�, we don�t believe it is the only footwear you will ever need. There are many times when you need the protection and security of a shoe or boot. Like all things in life, there is a balance, and Vibram FiveFingers� provides a healthy alternative to traditional footwear.
Chainmail barefoot shoes separates the idea of "barefoot shoes" from the idea of "minimalist shoes," two terms often used interchangeably. Minimalist shoes (i.e. those offered by most other manufacturers) use more traditional shoe design elements in creating an artificial environment aimed at imitating the feeling of going barefoot. While they do strip away material, they still put relatively stiff cushioning between the foot and the ground. Barefoot or minimalist shoes have a completely different purpose, as these shoes continue to protect from dirt, temperature variations, humidity and water, because exactly those are the factors that make our feet strong and healthy. The stainless steel chain mail is strong, durable and flexible, allowing the feet to feel temperature, moisture and ground contours. Considering chainmail can protect from meat-slicing butcher's blades and medieval swords, it can presumably offer plenty of protection from the rocks, roots and broken glass that runners or hikers may encounter on a given journey. With nothing but chainmail on your feet, you can run with more confidence through all types of environments and still feel the grass, soil or sand below. Metal booties don't necessarily sound very comfortable; anyway the chainmail construction is smooth against the skin. They're designed for natural environments, such as trail and beach running, but not roads or man-made surfaces. With so much excellent minimal-oriented running footwear on the market there is really no room for questionable designs. This concept, while unique, takes the idea of minimalist running too far. The middle ages can have their shoes back!
Try out being barefoot ...for beginners
If you are curious to try out being barefoot, resist the urge to go for a barefoot walk today unless it�s around the block. You�ll know if you can handle that. If you feel tentative, go barefoot at home for a week or two. Then, when you can walk around in completely bare feet, no socks, no whining, then you are ready to take a walk around your block ...barefoot. Don�t overdo it. Just go slowly and carefully and watch how you touch the sidewalk with the soles of your feet. Think of that, just touch the ground. As soon as you touch with one foot, the other lifts. Focus as much on the lifting as you do on the touching.
- Take your time . Take more time. And then, take even longer. Don�t begin the barefoot challenge in the final weeks of training for an event. Do begin going barefoot at home in predictable circumstances. The more you can go barefoot, even if you never do outside your neighborhood, the more you will reap the health benefits. - Get your metatarsals moving . Of all the descriptions of people having problems, this is the one that will stop you in your tracks. These bones of the middle foot are critical for taking the weight of your body, transferring it to the proper places so you don�t feel uncomfortable or get hurt. When you try to transition too fast, the metatarsals are likely still stuck together and that can be quite uncomfortable if not painful. - Use your judgment and your patience. Trust yourself. The more you can listen in and make a decision based on what is going on in the moment, the more you�ll learn to have a healthy dialogue with your sensory system. For example, if you�ve always worn socks because your feet get cold, you could keep your socks on for a few days as a transition strategy. However, old habits are just that: old habits. So the sooner you ditch your socks, the sooner you�ll really start educating your nervous system. - Clear Your Mind + It�s "Free Foot" Yoga . It�s hard not to pay attention to every step when you�re walking barefoot. You have to be on the look out for sharp rocks and thorns. Awareness of what�s in front of you in this moment quiets your inner chatter and clears your mind and helps you focus on the here and now. - It�s a Free Reflexology Session . There are reflex points to every part of your body in your feet. Every little bump and rock in the road helps to stimulate all these little reflex points. If it hurts at first � especially in specific areas, this means your feet need the stimulation they�re getting by being barefoot. Over time, these sensitivities will go away, and the areas the tenderness corresponds to will be rejuvenated, helping decrease the symptoms of whatever it is that ails you. - It�s Grounding ...literally! Our bodies are made up of about 60/70 percent water, which is great for conducting electricity. The earth has a negative ionic charge. Going barefoot grounds our bodies to that charge. Negative Ions have been proven to detoxify, calm, reduce inflammation, synchronise your internal clocks, hormonal cycles and physiological rhythms. The best places to get some negative ions through your feet are by the water. Everyone knows how good it feels to be barefoot on the beach. If you live in a city far from the see try a barefoot walk outside just after the rain, dive your feet in a puddle, it's pure magic. Visualizza altro
How to Go Barefoot in the Office ?
You�re not a lifeguard. You�re not barefoot survivalist Cody Lundin. Unlike lifeguards and Mr. Lundin (co-star of the Discovery Channel�s Dual Survival), you are likely to have an office job where shoes are mandatory but the Manolo Blahnik high heels pinch your toes. And the Oxford dress shoes are rubbing the back of your foot raw. What�s a barefoot runner at the office to do? Why unshod your feet and let your little piggies roam free, of course! Barefoot at your desk Shedding one�s shoes is not a problem under cover of desk. Early in the morning, at lunch time or a half hour before quitting time are ideal times to do a little walking and all the toe scrunching, tennis ball massaging and ankle flexing to knead out the minor aches and pains and strengthen your feet for more adventurous forays into the aisles and office corridors. If you have a private office, even better � just close the door! This (and many other tactics) are explained in the running barefoot book, which also offers insight into the shodless lifestyle.
Have a plan and stick to it If you venture out from under your desk or out of your office, don�t just wander around. Wandering around the office barefoot without a destination or a plan will only increase your chances of an awkward close encounter with your boss. Start small � to the break room or water cooler and back. To your friend�s work station and back. Keep it simple. Keep it short. Do not deviate. Just be aware that your bare feet will be noticed as they stand out in stark contrast to a suit. Despite your best efforts, you may get caught �violating� the office dress code. Always be ready with a good excuse when you are questioned. �Doctor�s orders� is probably your best bet. But equally effective is the twisted ankle from tripping on the office hazard of your choice: torn carpet, tangled computer cables or coffee spill in the break room. For the ladies, the broken heel needing time for the glue to set is a time-tested explanation. And for those who can pull off a convincing look of exasperation, just furrow your brow, look straight ahead and claim: �You DON�T want to know!�
Convince the boss If your boss can be convinced of the benefits of barefoot running or walking, he or she may better understand the need to lose the shoes. A social situation outside of the office is a great opportunity to pitch the benefits of bare feet. If the boss is a runner, he or she will have most likely have injury stories, which will be opportunities for you to explain how barefoot running can help keep a runner injury-free. Emphasize the effect that over-padded running shoes have on foot plant and increased joint stresses. You could make a convert, or at the very least, a sympathetic boss could be your ticket to worry-free barefoot office strolling.
But what if your need for barefoot walking is too intense to be restricted to your free time out of the office and the hatred of your boss for certain barefoot-in-the-office culprits has been brought to high levels? Or, more reasonably, he or she thinks that it�s one thing to walk around barefoot in your cube or to other people�s cubes, but to walk across the office to the copy room, that is tile and not carpet like the rest of the office, is rude, gross and annoying ? If none of the above suggestions work, then you can try to go through the next chapter, that is ...
35 Ways To Outsmart Your Boss
[note: this section isn't mainly intended finding strategies to walk barefoot arond your office. Its aim is to find the best possible way, conceivably clever, to establish a good relationship with one's boss]
Before I begin to enumerate the ways on how you can outsmart your boss, there is one important thing that I need to tell you: "I feel your pain... I really do!"
There are many possible reasons why you are reading this right now, but if you are thrilled by the title of this chapter, then there�s probably something wrong with the relationship you have with your boss. I guess this is common. I mean, if we can have disagreements with our parents, then what makes bosses special people, right?
Anyway, have you ever considered asking yourself if the problem arises not from the way your boss behaves, but by the way you perceive things? Sure there are times when your boss does not give you recognition and praise for doing good work, does not seem to care about you as a person, does not encourage your development, does not make you feel your job is important, and all of those things that people commonly blame their boss for not doing, but there are also times when you have to examine yourself and identify the things that are needed to be done on your part.
After all, this is an interactive environment and we�re all just playing a game. All of us live in different worlds and you can�t blame people all the time. This is what I realized after spending nine years of my life understanding the social dynamics of the workplace, supervising employees, and reporting to people who are higher in the food chain. Now that I have more freedom to express myself, I thought about writing this guide to help anyone out there who wants to thrive in the office. I strongly suggest, however, that you first weigh the ethical implications of these ideas before you follow any of them. Some are sensible while some are downright Machiavellian, but all are designed to help you survive. So, without further delay, here are some of the ways you can outsmart your boss.
1. Outmaneuvering Power Trips
There are some people who have a particular obsession with power. These are the kinds of bosses that make you feel like a child. Why? Well, because if you�re a child, you still have the liberty to say, �When I grow up, I want to become a suicide bomber.� An adult can�t really say that inside the office and expect people to take him or her seriously, right? The only way you can deal with these kinds of people is to accept them for what they are and deal with them gracefully.
Here�s how:
1. Obey the boss�s rules even if it contradicts company policies - There is nothing more miserable to a boss than a critic. Just give the illusion that you are doing things his or her way.
2. Be gentle and considerate - The meek shall inherit the Earth. You may lose the battle but if you do not confront those who seek dominance with the same kind of attitude that has corrupted them, then you will win the war.
3. Offer a sacrifice � Power trippers see themselves as gods. If you want to please them and get their approval, offer a decapitated chicken� err� I mean, give them something delightful from time to time.
4. Give your boss the power to grant � Adding the phrase, �If it�s ok with you�� to your requests can actually make all your wishes come true. To them, what you say may sound like, �Yeah, who�s your daddy now?� The point, however, is that you won�t have any problem getting what you want.
5. Do not ignore your boss � People obsessed with power always like getting attention, so give it to them. Otherwise, you might get in trouble if you make the mistake of ignoring your boss whenever he�s around.
6. Never argue with your boss � For power trippers, it�s either you�re with them or against them. Arguing with your boss, or anyone who has direct authority over you, is not a win-lose situation. It�s suicide
7. Do not stand in the boss�s way � Your boss may see everything as competition. Stay out of his way by letting him hear what he wants to hear and letting him know what he needs to know. Give information that might be useful to him and your boss will love you for it.
8. Do not reject offers and invitations � Declining invitations may be interpreted as resistance to their authority. Your refusal may depend on the context of the boss�s invitation, but showing disinterest generally means a sign of contempt.
9. Do not delay � If your boss wants something done, do it immediately. If your boss is calling your attention, respond instantly. Making your boss wait is like watching the liquid in a thermometer rise.
10. Plead for what you want as if it were punishment � Competitive people may see everyone as opponents in their struggle for supremacy. Consequently, it makes them happy to see other people suffer.
Avoid communicating your needs with a smile on your face!
2. Tactical Sycophancy
You may not believe it, but flattery can and will get you somewhere. A sycophant is a person who attempts to win the favor of influential people through sweet talk and adulation. Be aware, however, that some of these suggestions may cost you your self-respect as well as peer approval. Generally, people who have very high ambitions (but with limited intelligence and resources) use these tactics not because they want to, but because they have no idea what they are doing. Use these tactics with caution!
11. Offer words of praise � What you don�t know is that your boss needs more recognition than you do. The reason is that the higher you go up the career ladder, the more inflated your sense of self-worth becomes. Offering prayers sometimes work as well.
12. Treat your boss like a feudal lord � Each time you order a pizza, go to your boss, and then say, �Have a slice before the orcs get their hands on these.� If you don�t get a reaction, offer the whole box.
13. Address your boss properly � If he wants to be called by his name, that�s great. If he wants you to call him �Your Imperial and Royal Majesty,� you need to oblige.
14. Emphasize your boss�s contribution by reframing your language � Instead of saying, �I hope the general manager will be satisfied with what I did.� say, �The general manager will definitely be impressed that you came up with that idea.�
15. Fill the void � Bosses are generally lonely people. Whenever there�s an occasion in your company, always be the first one to invite your boss.
16. Spend time with your boss as much as possible � If you�re worried about what your peers have to say to you,
tell them you�re just doing it to get inside information.
3. Psychological Hedonism
Hedonism involves the idea that pleasure is the only thing that is good for the person and is the common currency that allows us to make any decision in our lives. You may observe this in yourself whenever you try to avoid work each time you see an opportunity to do so. If this is true for you, it may also be true for your boss. Make work easier for your immediate supervisor and see how you can immediately become the sunshine of his or her life.
17. Give a helping hand � Whenever there�s an opportunity of helping your boss with something like printing documents or writing reports, grab it. Bosses are suckers for people who will do anything for them.
18. Act as a spokesperson � Generally, people who are not formally prepared for positions of leadership are not taught effective communication skills. If you think you�re better than your boss in this area, modestly ask if you can help deliver the message on his or her behalf.
19. Avoid adding pressure � If you want to have an activity with your colleagues, don�t expect your boss to organize or head the committee. Ask only for approval. Your boss has more things to worry about even if it may not look like he does.
20. Always say, �Consider it done!� � Bosses are fond of people who are not difficult to manage. When your boss asks you to do something, give him or her assurance that you�ll take care of everything. Just make sure that you actually follow through with whatever it is you agreed to do.
4. Performance Art
I talked about using the pleasure-seeking principle above to make you appear like an angel to your boss. Now, you�re going to use any situation that involves four basic elements: time, space, your body and a relationship between you and the spectator (your boss). The efficiency of these techniques relies heavily on your performance. Therefore, you have to make it believable. Take acting lessons if necessary.
21. Do it when and where the boss will see you - If you're willing to help organize the workplace, making good impressions count. Your boss can only use his imagination when he thinks about you. Give him something good to remember.
22. Police the area when your boss is present � When the cat is away, the mice will play� we all know that. If you want more time to play, then do your boss�s job for him. Make a reasonable and believable demonstration. This will make him think that this is still what�s going on when he�s not around though you know better.
23. In all things and at all times, smile � This gives the impression that you are a positive person not only to your boss but to all the people you work with as well.
24. Exaggerate � Actors/actresses in film, television, and theatre are good at what they are doing because they know how to exaggerate. If you want to convince your boss, put more emotion in your words and your actions. For example, shed a tear when explaining why you�re always late.
25. Everyone is exploited; your boss is not exempted � When your boss engages you in a conversation and talks about how life has been so unfair and things like that, be attentive but don�t absorb the negativity. Your boss has a lot of influence over your mind, but there are times when you have to guard your own sanity.
26. Copy what the team players are doing � If there are people whom your boss pays attention to, those are the guys who produce results. If you can�t match their skill set, you can at least imitate the way they behave around your boss.
27. Pretend you�re a masochist if your boss is a sadist � Figuratively speaking, if your boss is the type of person who enjoys seeing a flowing stream of blood and tears from employees ...
... then pretending that you�re working yourself to near death may actually pay off.
5. Behavior Change Techniques
Most people are probably not aware that, in most companies, bosses are trained in the basic principles of behavioral psychology. This means that, at times, some of your boss�s actions and statements are premeditated, calculated, scripted, and planned all for the purpose of controlling your behavior or, in other words, they know how you will react and they can reinforce that reaction for a certain period of time. The good thing about this is that you can turn the tables on your boss and/or you can anticipate their behavior, but only if you know how they operate. Remember that bosses are also human beings. Anything that is applicable to you is also applicable to them. And the fact is, most of them don�t even know where the principles came from anyway. It�s unlikely for them to realize what you�re trying to do.
28. Know when to make a persuasive suggestion � When you catch your boss uttering words of disappointment and discontent, use the opportunity to offer your own solutions (things you really want for you and your friends) in the form of questions. For example, �Would it be better if�?� or �What if you try�?�
29. Know how to read gestures and meta-communication signals � Your boss might be saying something to you unconsciously, so you have to be able to read his gestures. On the other hand, meta-communication, is when your boss tells you what to expect in terms of how he will interact with you. For example, �I just had a bad presentation with the vice president this morning, so let�s see how this meeting goes.�
30. Share secrets with your boss � If you want to get your boss�s trust without sweating it out, the easiest trick is to share secrets. Reciprocal concessions might work for you in this way. Showing trust in your boss will likely urge him or her to trust you in return.
31. Information overload � The human mind is not capable of handling too much information. If you want to get your boss off your back, you and your friends can try raising your concerns through email all at the same time. That should keep your boss busy.
32. Set a time limit � Whenever your boss asks you if you have a minute, tell him you�re only free for five. If you are consistent with this, it can prevent him or her from engaging you in long conversations during work hours. Your boss will get the signal which will be left inside his memory.
33. Ask if you can do it for your boss � Your boss may not always have time to conduct meetings, create reports, coach his subordinates, and so on. Ask if he can teach you so you can do it for him. Sooner or later, not only will you have the experience and your boss�s recognition, but you will get his job title as well.
34. Use rewards � Every time your boss does something to make you and your peers happy, take note of it and examine what you have done to receive such a charitable action from his holy grace. Use it for a period of time to initiate the same response from your boss. When he gets used to it, he�ll try to come up with ways to please you even if you don�t do anything.
35. Use punishment � When your boss behaves like a douchebag, punish the behavior by being lethargic and insubordinate, or something to that effect. It�s more powerful if you can get your coworkers to take part in the scheme. Take note that the functioning element in using rewards and punishments is consistency.
Anyway, in case things went really wrong, consider developing endurance.
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A piece of advice for the employees: | |||
1. | If none of these suggestions work and the need for barefoot walking and running is too intense to be restricted to your free time out of the office, then there are just one thing left to do. Heed the siren call of a job as a lifeguard or working for Cody Lundin. No dress code for your feet. In fact, no shoes required at all! | ||
Take into account ...
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A piece of advice for the bosses: | |||
1. | Tickling your secretary on a regular basis is one way of maintaining a livelier atmosphere at the office. | ||
2. | lt's also useful in reducing accumulated stress and reminding her who's in charge. | ||
3. | Take full and frequent advantage of her ticklishness by physically restraining her firstand then vigorously tickling those areas of exposed skin likely to elicit the most immediate and satisfying response. | ||
4. | Forcibly removing her shoes in order to tickle the soles of her (preferably) bare or stockinged feet is absolutely recommended. | ||
Consider that ... (a reminder of her little weakness!)
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A Research on Tickling Facts in this research are not said and agreed upon by just one researcher, in fact many professional researchers, before and now, in many different years, have come up with this exact same research, on this topic. Tickling is actually like an exercise and amongst all exercises tickling resembles the most with running, jogging and swimming. Because the effect on the body is almost the same for all these and tickling. The only difference is that for all these you have to work a lot, you get exhausted & tired, you have to give lot of time and mostly its pain. But in case of tickling, you just have to lay down & relax and the other person does the entire work by tickling you, and its an easy job for her/him too, its not like (s)he is going through anything tough. So you have to do nothing and (s)he has to do a very easy job and you both get to enjoy it. So it�s better then all the other exercises because its no work just enjoyment kind of exercise with same or perhaps even better effect. The only thing is, when you are being tickled, try to laugh loud and as much as you can. Try to push your giggle and make it a big laugh because if you laugh more, you will get more effect from this exercise. So try to feel the tickle. Try to feel more ticklish. Besides the weight lifting type of exercises, take time to show some effect but they are more effective, healthy n long lasting. But remember just like all exercises, when you are new at it, you have to start from less then go to more otherwise you can face muscle pain etc... :No Matter What the Exercise is. And of course every feature of a human body has some purpose, this ability of getting tickled is not given for nothing. Advantages of being tickled 1. Increases stamina. 2. Makes you more active. 3. Adjusts your sleep timings. 4. Gives you healthy eye sight 'n' looks. 5. Smooths, clears and softs skin with healthy color. 6. Makes you slim and smart, as it burns your useless fats. 7. It�s good for maintaining your heart, lever, kidneys and digestive system. 8. It�s good for maintaining your blood, especially for your B.P.(Blood Pressure) 9. As it�s good for your blood, it can give you healthy hairs, eyes, young skin (which makes you look young). 10. Make you jolly and makes you a tension free & stress free type of person because of which you get a habit of working easily even under pressure. But can�t say for those people who are facing heart or BP problem, probably a doctor can tell better that if its good or bad for those people, but it�s definitely good for normal people. Why it is more needed and advantageous for Females 1. Females body grows older faster than a male�s body. 2. Females get tensed & under pressure more easily than a male, because they are sensitive. 3. A female body grows fat a lot faster than a male because a female body absorbs more fats than a male�s body. 4. An average female is not found to be as jolly as an average male, and with passage of time their jolliness drops more than a male�s does. (Sorry, but it�s fact). 5. Females, as compared with males, care more about their appearance, about their hairs, skin, being slim & smart, looking young, beautiful. And a slim man is a lot fatter than slim woman, so it�s needed more by females. | |||
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The Reason Why .... this site was born | |||
Over the last few weeks I've been thinking about getting a new pair of sneakers for the incoming spring. "Is there anyone who couldn't care less about it?" The answer is obvious. Yet the reason why I'm sending this e-mail to you is because of that. While browsing the Internet, hunting for the most comfortable models at the best price I came across many sites with lots of info about that kind of shoe. Reading here and there I found out that the best way of walking would be doing it barefoot. Though this action involves some kind of risk I got curious and I went through the pros and the cons of it. To cut it short I've collected so much material, going deeper and deeper, that I decided to set up a new branch of my Website. And because both the information I got and, accordingly, the text of the page are in English, I wished to share it with some of my former classmates. Those who, in my opinion, might be somewhat interested in either the whole or just in a few points of the unconventional topic that came out. I have to say the whole subject may look twisted, somewhat funny or even unreal from some points of view. But you know me. What do you expect from an incorrigible maverick such as I am? And was our tiny group of English not afraid of talking about any subject? Therefore I've supposed that a matter which starts with women wearing high heel shoes and ends on how to gain an advantage over your boss by using clever ways, could have been worth considering . And despite at a certain point it is recommended that those spikes are to be taken off, don't guess the easiest solution that may come to your mind. Ethical stuff in there! No sex. No drugs. Not even rock'n'roll! As you can see there is no evidence of any logical thread so it's up to you whether you take a look at it or not. Jokes apart I hope you'll enjoy it, one way or another. Not only for women but especially for them: | |||
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� As I structured it as a reading lesson, it might take as long as an English lesson we were used to. |
Take Off Her Shoes and Socks and Tickle Her Feet
Source: https://www.bo.infn.it/~zuffaf/barefootbliss.html
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